Christmas lunch at MIE

Lunch and Christmas celebrations at the MIE

“Small changes and small steps can create massive impact.” ~ Melissa McCreery

Lunch and Christmas celebrations at the MIE

[En] On Tuesday 20th December 2022, Rotary Club Le Réduit partnered with Community Service League of the MIE to host 30 children from the Enn Rev Enn Sourire association for lunch and Christmas celebrations.

These children have undergone surgery and are on their way to recovery. This collaborative event was successful in cheering the children up through activities such as face painting, singing, dancing and games.

[Fr] Le mardi 20 décembre 2022, le RCLR s'est associé à la Community Service League du MIE pour accueillir 30 enfants de l'association Enn Rev Enn Sourire pour un déjeuner et des célébrations de Noël.

Ces enfants ont subi une intervention chirurgicale et sont en voie de guérison. Cet événement collaboratif a permis de remonter le moral des enfants grâce à des activités telles que la peinture sur visage, le chant, la danse et les jeux.

Team Leader Rotarian Anu Fulena



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