our penant

Our Pennant

“Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch. For the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow.”
~ Anonymous

Our Pennant

our penantThe Pennant of Rotary Club Le Réduit is represented by the Moka range of Mountains at the foot of which the village of Le Réduit was built followed by the State House, the University of Mauritius and two hands of a Rotarian who cares.

Le Réduit was the name given in 1747 by the then Governor of Isle de France, Barthelemy David, the successor of Mahé de Labourdonnais. He was looking for a locality in the interior of the island where in the eventuality of an attack by the English coming from the sea, the latter could shelter women, children and their most precious belongings. He may have looked elsewhere before finally settling in a locality situated a kilometre from the foot of a mountain chain, the Moka Range. This area with beautiful scenery with rivers, waterfalls, steep gorges, today known as Au bout du Monde, was naturally sheltered by the mountains. This is the origin of Le Réduit village.

Barthelemy David started the building of a castle called Le Château du Réduit which became the residence of all successive French and English governors. This tradition was continued by Governor Generals between 1968 and 1992, and all Presidents of the Republic of Mauritius from 1992. Today Le Château du Réduit is popularly known as the State House.

Le Réduit is also a centre of Learning. In 1914 the School of Agriculture was built which later became the College of Agriculture, responsible for teaching and research.

In 1965 this prestigious College became the University of Mauritius .Today Le Réduit also harbours the Mauritius Institute of Education and the Institute of Francophonie for Entrepreneurship as well.

At Rotary club Le Réduit, we strongly Believe in Caring.