Our club

Our Club

Our Mission

To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  2. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

About Rotary Club Le Réduit

• We are Humans with feelings, Professionals, Volunteers as well as Family members with good intentions for a better society.

• We are committed and willing to help in creating a positive impact for needy people.

• We have lots of experiences in community service and we know each other and have no return of expectations from our voluntary work.

We want to create a positive difference in the community. We want to empower people and have projects with accompaniment i.e. long term projects to achieve our objectives.

Our projects will be mainly innovative as well as long term. We aim to help people without providing them money but rather by providing them with necessary materials and at the same time for them to participate together with us in the completion of the project. Our projects should be community based on current demands as well as scientifically oriented.

We want to involve all our family members and friends as well as people who are close to the beneficiary of our projects.

Our projects will be based on the current demand of the community where we would like to bring a solution based on the competency and professionalism of our members.

The projects should be measurable i.e. there should be a starting point and we should define the target (end point) and there should be a continuous assessment of their progress.

No projects will be 100% funded. Part of the funding will be done by participation or fundraising organized by recipients and their relatives. This is to increase the sense of ownership to the recipients and their relatives. Projects can also be funded through the district or global grants.

All projects should be fun but at the same time accountable in terms of finance, time and involvement of members.

Media coverage should focus more on the essence of the project and not on individuals. Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and our Website) will be used. Pictures and videos of our projects should be the prime ways of exemplifying our projects.

Board Members

Nadia Chan Thio Hine - Bundhoo - President Nadia Chan Thio Hine - Bundhoo
Lindsay Ommar Omarjee - Vice President & Director Club Administration  Lindsay Ommar Omarjee
Vice President & Director Club Administration
Kushida Devi Fulena - Secretary Kushida Devi Fulena
Nitish Sunt - Assistant Secretary Nitish Sunt
Assistant Secretary
Anoushka (Poush) Ramsaran - Treasurer Anoushka (Poush) Ramsaran
Yatin Ramdenee - Assistant Treasurer Yatin Ramdenee
Assistant Treasurer
Kevin Lukeeram - P.E. & Director Membership Kevin Lukeeram
P.E. & Director Membership
Shilpa Padaruth - Director Public Image Shilpa Padaruth
Director Public Image
Corina Hookoom – Padaruth - I.P.P & Director Foundation Corina Hookoom – Padaruth
I.P.P & Director Foundation
Tejsree Beharee - Director of Service Projects Tejsree (Anju) Beharee
Director of Service Projects
Bhooshun Hans Gopal - Director New Generation Bhooshun Hans Gopal
Director New Generation
Ashish Padaruth - Sergeant at Arms Ashish Padaruth
Sergeant at Arms
Rana Ramdaursingh - Attendance Officer Rana Ramdaursingh
Attendance Officer